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Flyer for the Smell of Money Documentary

  • Lindsay Savelli and Kaitlin King  present on Considering Cumulative Impacts in the Permitting Process to NC DEQ’s EJ Equity and Advisory Board, May ‘22
  • EJ Clinic hosted a watch party for the National Health Equity Webcast at UNC in Sept ’22
  • Laura Villa Torres moderated for: “Living Undocumented: Stories Across Difference” Feb ’23
  • EJ Clinic hosted: “The Smell of Money” film screening at UNC in Feb ’23
  • Courtney Woods presented: “Current State of Race and Waste in NC” ‘in Feb ’23
  • NCEJN and EJ Clinic discussed their research collaboration with Thorp Scholars in Fall ‘22
  • EJ Clinic presented an EJ Primer to Leadership NC in April ’23
  • Lindsay Savelli and Kaitlin  King present  A Deep Dive into Definitions and Tools for Assessing Cumulative Impacts to the EJ Community Connector Initiative. 
  • Charlotte Robbins presented at PFAS IDEA Conference at UNC’s Institute for the Environment in June ’23
  • Kareemah McQueen presented at UNC Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in July ‘23
  • EJ Clinic & Anderson Community Group
  • EJ Clinic, EJCAN and App State presented at the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) Conference in Chicago in Aug ‘23